I don't feel left out, left behind, ignored or under rated; so why have I started a blog?
Well, only time may tell, and then again, I may never know.
But the good thing is that life is good right now.
Galleries are asking for my art, and I have art for them.
A CTV crew of three showed up yesterday to do a feature called "in our back yard" for "Live at 5" to be aired on the 14th of March.
They were professional, friendly, and worked like a real team; consulting each other throughout the process.
A wonderful friend had referred them to me.
It was fun. I am hopeful that life can be more like this - cooperative and fun.
It does seem that we are linked in so many ways to so many people that we can never be sure what started where.
Best to try to be open and love life.
Sounds corny, but seems it's the only thing that works for me, so I'm OK with corny...
All I know is I got up from a nap and it seemed like time to start a blog, so here goes !
I will be attempting to say what is new as far as projects go, current news of where my art can be found, and some links to some great people and their projects .....
for now, the link to my site
Jay's art